Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)While David H Jacobs' book provides a start for the design and building your workshop, it falls short of completing the task he set out to accomplish. The book starts with a beautiful example of a dream shop on the cover, but no further mention is made of this shop leading to a disappointment of the content between the covers. Many pictures are included showing examples of frayed wires, missing outlet covers, cluttered benches, and construction that wouldn't pass code in many areas. While there are a few good ideas to incorporate into a shop, I would not encourage the novice to design a new shop solely on the examples in this book. David tries to cover too much area in a small book. His time might have been better spent on automobile related tips and less on construction. There are plenty of books available that do a much better job showing good construction techniques. Show more innovative home shops and less high dollar, cluttered, and dirty commercial buildings.
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