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(More customer reviews)I felt that this book was given a few bad reviews, so I thought I would respond.
I would like to preface this review by saying that I have been out of High School for 5 years, so I decided I needed a "Refresher Course" on my Math skills. When I first became interested in the Military, I took an ASVAB practice test and received a 77. I then decided that this score would not be acceptable, so I decided to study for the real test. I "studied" (meaning I took a few of the practice tests) for about 3 weeks. I have to say that the practice test was much harder than the real test, and I felt very prepared for the Real ASVAB. Well, I took the "Real" ASVAB and got a 98 AFQT and a 130 GT. Needless to say, I was very pleased with how this book gave me a needed refresher to some basic skills.
I also wanted to respond to a previous reviewer that commented that "None of the practice questions were on the real test." It is supposed to be a preparation for the real test using SIMILAR EXAMPLES of the Real test questions, not actual questions. I did find a couple questions that were very similar to questions in this book, but that is purely coincidental.
Also, my copy did not have the CD-Rom, so I cannot comment on its usefulness.
I only used the part of the book with the Practice Tests, not the review sections, so I cannot comment on the other sections usefulness.
Overall, I recommend this title!
Good Luck to everyone who is interested in joining the Armed Forces!
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How to Prepare for the ASVABThe new edition of this manual, which prepares young men and women for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, reflects the ASVAB as it is currently given to all U.S. recruits. With renewed interest in military careers since 9/11, this manual is now in greater demand than ever. It presents review courses in all test subjects and four full-length practice exams with questions answered and explained. Subjects reviewed include general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph reading comprehension, auto and shop information, math knowledge, mechanical comprehension, and fundamentals of electronics. The test's general structure is described and study guidelines are recommended.

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