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I stopped buying Tristan Jones books because I felt there was little substance to them and some fabrication added to help sell them to the publishers. All the books are skimpy fast reads. I hope my opinion is changed, but I'm unwilling to invest in any more of them to find out.
He has a some of good advice for sailors at sea. However, I have to say, that like most of his books I take what he writes with a grain of salt. And, some of what he recommends, I doubt he ever did himself.
That is not to say his advice is bad, just not practical in some cases. I doubt many seaman would follow all of his advice.
For example, he recommends that single handed sailor drag a line behind the boat hooked up to a trip wire arrangement to heave the boat to. Great advice. I doubt anyone follows it or that Tristan Jones did so. That doesn't mean it is not good advice. This sort of thinking is smart thinking, planning ahead for an emergency.
Likewise his advice for having a triangular patch of canvas ready and rigged on the bow with control lines all set ready to cover a hole below the waterline should the unlike event happen that one gets holed below the waterline. This is just something that would get in the way, foul up something else on the boat and cause more trouble than it's worth. I think a better idea is have one ready to go and practice rigging it.
Perhaps these ideas may make sense when you are sitting at a typewriter trying to put enough substance in a book so you can sell it to a publisher. This is my impression of Tristan Jones.
If you get something out of a book like this, you got something that may give you an idea that will save your boat or yourself.
I gave it 3 stars because I felt it was like some of his other books, short books made in an attempt to make money to fund his roving lifestyle as a wandering seaman.
Hey he pulled it off.
Maybe you can too! Bring a laptop if you go cruising, there is bound to be a story in it.
Click Here to see more reviews about: One Hand for Yourself One for the Ship: The Essentials of Single Handed Sailing
In One Hand for Yourself, One for the Ship, Tristan Jones offers a course on single-handed sailing as filtered through his singular perception of the art and science of that time-honored tradition. Bearing the unmistakable stamp of one who has lived on and for the sea, the text is aglow with memorable anecdotes and detailed insights.
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