Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The second edition of This Old Boat is a more professional production than the first edition. Not that the first edition was bad, on the contrary, it was a good resource, but it had a somewhat hand-made feel about it. The diagrams were freehand sketches and a lot of the information lacked depth. Although it was always a good place to start, it was usually necessary to turn to other reference works (such as Calder's "Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual" or Spurr's "Guide to Upgrading Your Cruising Sailboat") for precise information about how to carry out a certain repair or improvement. However, what it lacked in depth of information it more than made up for with its clear explanations of the "big picture" and Casey's ability to impart a sense of motivation.
This new edition improves on the first by being a good deal larger than the first edition, having information that is more in-depth, and illustrations that are much improved. It is now closer in "feel" to Calder's Boatowner's Manual. It also covers a lot of the information contained in Casey's several short sailboat maintenance handbooks, and to an extent it updates and replaces them. I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is the only book by Casey that you now need to own in order to have all of the information he has previously published, but it is close.
Click Here to see more reviews about: This Old Boat, Second Edition: Completely Revised and Expanded
Turn a run-down fiberglass boat into afirst-class yacht
Since it first appeared in 1991, Don Casey's This OldBoat has helped tens of thousands of sailors refurbisholder fiberglass boats and has become a revered classicamong boat rehabbers.This second edition is revisedfrom first page to last with new information on electricalsystems, diesel engines, refrigeration, resins, plumbingand more. Plus, more than 600 newly created illustrationsenhance the book's beauty as well as its utility.
Click here for more information about This Old Boat, Second Edition: Completely Revised and Expanded
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