Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Most of the reviews I've read here read like advertisements for this book and diet plan. I understand that the authors would like a groundswell of support and Amazon is a good way to begin this, but the reviews here are likely not reflective of what you'd hear from your average reader and user of this plan.
There is very little (perhaps nothing, actually) that is new in this book. Have you ever read a diet book that directs you to eat several small meals spaced out during the day, not to eat too close to bed time, to eat fruit, vegetables and lean meats, and walk 30-60 minutes per day with a few weight-lifting work outs a week? You have? Well, so have I, and you'll read that advice again in this book.
As in most diet books, the authors walk you through basic metabolism and basic nutrition. They write about hormones. It's nothing that hasn't been outlined in other diet books many times over. Overall I've found that diet books tend to focus on the parts of biochemistry and nutrition that most closely match the plan they are promoting. This book is no different.
After taking a questionnaire you are given a general grouping of your metabolic type and directed to a diet that contains more or less of the same ingredients in slightly altered quantities from each other. It's a fairly boring diet plan overall - no surprises, you can imagine how many ways lean meats can be combined with fruit and veg and "acceptable fats", can't you? South Beach would tell you similar things, as would Weight Watchers and probably countless others. There are some cheat meals - again, similar to other diet plans I've read. Cheat, but cheat smart. You've heard that before as well most likely.
The exercise plan I've already outlined - do it moderately every day for 30-60 minutes and then follow a strength training routine the likes of which you'll find monthly in Shape magazine or similar. If you need something mapped out for you, this book will give you that.
Reading back over my review I see I sound pretty "meh" about this book, and that's an accurate take on it. There's nothing revolutionary here and I would suggest checking this out of your library rather than purchasing it, as it's not the diet book you'll want or need on your shelf long term. I would take the bulk of the reviews already listed with a grain of salt. If serious personal trainers and workoutaholics who have written surprisingly excited reviews here about this book haven't already heard the information contained in it a thousand times over, I'll eat my own laptop.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Metabolic Effect Diet: Eat More, Work Out Less, and Actually Lose Weight While You Rest
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